Re: Christopher News Letter
The BF&C is the standard for all human injuries and deteriorated body. You open the liver via a liver flush and then you can start the BF&C in what ever dose it takes, up to 50 double 0 caps per day.
The most recent story was David Christopher's Indian friend that wrecked and snapped both leg bones and still walked down a mountain and when they got him to a hospital, both bones were splintered beyond repair. 100 of Christopher's single 0 capsules per day in 2 weeks and the bones were in perfect repair and no pins needed, no operation and the x-rays to prove it happened. They have 50 years of such stories.
There is one KEY problem, the last people who owned the Christopher company destroyed it, they had the FDA and FTC breathing down their throats so badly all their good herbs were taken away and their forbiddon to sale them niw and forever by agreement, so the original formulas were modified. Comfrey being THE HERB of choice, nicknamed "KNIT BONE" is forbiddon by Christopher's , BECAUSE they had advertised it "CURED" and when you do this, your selling medicine and you get busted if your too big. It is legal to buy and sale comfrey in the USA as long as your not Christopher's. If you want the real thing today you have to seek non-commercial sources.
If I couldn't make herbal formulas the way I wanted, I would not bother at all. Christopher's did what they had to to stay in business. When Dr. John was alive he would fight and he was allowed to use what he desired, today things are far differant, anything that works is TABOO.
When I fell and broke a couple of ribs, I first ran to the cold shower and picked up a bottle of BF&C capsules in route and took 50 while in the shower. I needed 20 per day to stay pain free.