Re: living things inside me
Sorry to hear of your experience. There is no more debilitating
experience than rape - not even combat. (I've experienced both.)
What you are experiencing is post traumatic stress disorder more commonly
known as PTSD. A few years ago, shortly after the love of my life left me
- I began to re-experience sexua| abuse/rape from early childhood. (I'm a
guy.) I had suppressed it for many, many years. When I began
re-experiencing the abuse I could feel the hands and genitals of my abuser, the
penetration and the whole works. It felt many times as if there were
parasites within me that were going crazy. I wanted to die. I wanted
to kill myself. I didn't. I practiced a grounded form of meditation
along with counseling and got through it. It didn't happen
overnight. That was about 20 years ago and I am now a "better"
and stronger person for the entire process - the abuse the healing, and the loss
of the "love of my life." The "parasites" I
experienced were simply the spiritual invasion that was still within me.
Yes, it felt like living things within me but it wasn't - it was the ugly
spiritual energy that was left there. (Spiritual invasion can be much
nastier than being physically hit.) Grounding as explained below will
release all spiritual invasion, spiritual energies that are not yours.
If you choose counseling don't walk but run away from anyone who tells
you to "Get over it." They are not healers. Just plain
talking about it with a decent counselor can be a huge healing.
Regarding grounding, here's a site from within Cure Zone that I've copied
below. Learn to be here and present - in the moment, and grounded.
You can be grounded 24/7 and it is a healing.
Body-Wisdom: Grounding
by Erika Ginnis
This is the beginning of a series of articles that will appear in various issues
of the paper. My goal in this series is to put in print some simple energy
working techniques that I have learned and taught over the years in my own
practice. I thought it might be fun and also helpful to provide some instruction
in a format that was available to people regardless of where they lived and
whether they had a group to practice with.
These techniques are not bound to any one tradition or pantheon and I have
seen them used in a number of different circumstances with very positive
results. Take them and add then to your tool kit if you like them or leave them
if you don't. However you respond to them remember, as with any magickal or
energy working tool, "They will only work for you if you actually practice
I am going to present the ideas in a specific order because I have found the
techniques work best when they build on one another. I intend to add a brief
review of some necessary steps at the beginning of each article so that it will
be easy to catch up if you have missed earlier ones. Some of these tools will be
second nature to many of you, and to some they will be a different twist on an
old favorite. There are many many great techniques out there, and these are just
a few that I enjoy.
I will offer possibilities, use them as a springboard. It is my hope that,
for many of you, these techniques will become a new doorway to your inner self,
and that they will assist you to become more aware and present in your magical
and spiritual work.
Grounding is usually the first technique that I teach anyone. This is because
it is the foundation upon which everything else is built. It is very simple and
very powerful. I also think it is extremely important I imagine that many of you
have heard of grounding or have practiced it in some way. Most of the rituals
that I have attended use this technique in some form. Since there are various
ways to ground, let me start with some explanation about what I mean when I say
Grounding is the act of consciously creating an energy connection as spirit
(sometimes visualized as a cord) from your body into physical reality/Mother
Earth. You are a spiritual being, and by your nature have a great deal of power
and energy. Your vibration is rapid and can be intense. You have a body
(yippee!!) which is an expression of you that exists in mundane reality
(hopefully), but since it is made of matter the energy moves at a slower
vibratory rate. (Hmmm, this sounds like a public television physics program!!)
In any case when you bring your spiritual energy into the physical body more
fully it can be quite a shock to the system.
Grounding helps keep the body (your sacred temple) a safe place for you to
inhabit and experience life through, prevents it from becoming overly stressed.
It helps to keep your energy system safe when you are doing magic or other
spiritual work. It acts kind of like an "electrical ground" ( keeps
you from getting "zapped" by an overload of energy). The act of
grounding also brings power to your work because it aligns you as spirit with
your physical body, so that you can be present and attend to what needs to be
done. In addition to all of this it increases spiritual and energetic awareness.
Have you ever been at a ritual and felt slightly nauseous afterward or had a
headache? Many times this is a reaction of the body to the more intense energy
moving through it and not having quite enough grounding to shunt off the excess
flow. This brings me to the next aspect of grounding that is important.
Grounding is a technique that assists you to release energy! This is a wonderful
thing. When you ground you release unwanted or excess energy, and it gets
transformed within this amazing living planet, our Mother Earth, and it returns
to you renewed. It reminds me of recycling in a way; you let go of what you are
done with and you get it back transformed. Also, if you are releasing someone
else's energy that you took on for some reason, that energy gets returned to
them as well. It works out well all around.
It is my opinion that the whole energy system of Earth (which I see as our
larger body, our Sacred Mother) is set up to run in this way. I believe it to be
a connecting web of moving and shifting energy, of which we are meant to be a
balanced part. I also feel that as more people remember and use their grounding,
it will begin to revitalize the whole system as the energy begins to flow again.
I have spoken briefly about grounding as it relates to ritual, but what I
want to emphasize here is that you can be grounded anytime. I highly
recommend grounding while playing, eating, making love, shopping, working,
driving, etc., as well as during ritual, or while meditating. Grounding brings
you more fully present and conscious in your life, so that you can respond to
situations rather than reacting from past experiences (many of which might be
unpleasant). It will enhance whatever you are experiencing, assist you to be
aware of your path, and also assist you to move through uncomfortable times more
Something that people sometimes notice when they ground for the first time,
is that they become aware of aches or pains that they could swear weren't there
moments before. The reason for this is simple, if you think about it. If you
come into the body more fully, you are going to start to become aware of what
your body is actually feeling. If you spend most of your time with your mind in
fantasy or off in the future somewhere you aren't going to be very present to
what your body is going through. The minute you ground, though, you align with
the body and begin to tune in to what's actually going on.
You might ask why anyone would want to feel tightness in their shoulders if
they didn't have to? My answer is this: if you know what is happening and know
how you feel, you can begin to take steps to release and heal whatever is
causing the problem. The body has much wisdom to teach us if we will but listen.
If you ignore the body it will get louder and louder in an effort to get your
attention. I see many people who have begun their spiritual work because some
physical ailment caused them to stop and pay attention. You do not have to wait,
you can begin the process before you are "forced" to by
The good news is: when you are grounded things that are pleasurable are even
more pleasurable. You also begin to raise the vibration in the body by grounding
it and being more consciously present in it; this will allow an even greater
capacity for experiencing the wonders of this planet. It will in turn increase
your power and awareness, making you more effective in where you choose to
direct your energy.
One of the examples I always tell my classes is this: "Think of all the
different books and techniques out there, all the things you can do as being
like a great wall of expensive stereo equipment. It has all the bells and
whistles, the CD player and the VCR and the cool speakers. It looks great there
on the wall but none of it will do you a bit of good if you don't plug it in!!
It really doesn't matter how much you acquire, how many components you buy, if
you can't access it. It will just collect dust. Grounding is analogous to taking
the power cord and plugging it into the outlet. Then you can use the
system. Grounding gives you a way to access your power, because it brings you
as spirit (which is the power source) into the picture. None of the techniques
will do you much good if you aren't grounded."
There are many good ways to ground. I will not be touching on all of them by
any means. I will pass on to you one form of grounding I personally use and
enjoy. I hope you enjoy it as well. I teach grounding from the first chakra
because that is the energy center that relates to physical reality. The first
chakra contains information on how to survive and thrive in this reality, and
since this is where we have our physical experience and where we want our
healing and magic to manifest, I have found it to be a sound practice. Enjoy
your exploration with connecting into this planet by grounding. Remember, as
with anything, that the experience will change with time. Bring your willingness
to explore and allow yourself to be open to your own deepening awareness.
Sit comfortably in a straight back chair or on the couch (as long as you
don't tend to nod off to sleep) have your hands and feet apart and feet flat on
the floor.
Close your eyes (this helps you to focus inward).
Take three nice deep breaths, breathe down into your belly and soften your
belly as you breathe. It can be helpful (although not essential) to breathe
through the nose, while keeping your tongue resting lightly on the roof of your
mouth. This is from certain Yoga traditions and is said to help encourage the
flow of energy through your system.
Relax as you breathe, noticing how you feel, how your body feels.
Be aware of your first chakra. This is simply an energy center (vortex) that
is located in the general area near the base of the spine. For women the center
is usually near the area between the ovaries (note: the chakra positioning
doesn't change if you have had your ovaries removed for any reason). For men the
location is slightly lower in the body because the chakra placement is
associated with the testicles.
Be aware of this area, and allow a cord of energy to flow downward from your
body: Through the chair you are sitting in. Through the floor and down through
the building you are in. Through the foundation and into the deep earth beneath.
Allow your grounding to flow down into the earth past all the rocks and layers
of the planet, past the water, deep deep into the earth, into the heart of the
Mother. Until it reaches the center of the earth.
Allow your grounding cord to connect securely into the center of the planet.
Be aware of your grounding cord being securely connected also to your first
Breathe and relax and experience your grounding, your spiritual connection to
this beautiful planet.
Notice how your body responds to you grounding and becoming more present in
it. Release tension and discomfort down your grounding, allow it to simply drain
Your grounding belongs to you and you can create it in any form you like.
Change your grounding into a waterfall, flowing and cascading from your first
chakra down through all of physical reality to the center of the earth.
Experience this, release and relax, breathe. Take your time.
Next change your grounding into a supple and strong root of a tree, allowing
it to grow from your first chakra to the center of the earth.
Notice how this changes your experience. Breathe. Enjoy.
Now shift your grounding so that it is a laser beam of light, shining though
everything straight down to the center of the earth.
How does this feel? Be with this for a moment or two. (Remember you can use
any of these groundings at any time, they are simply different ways to
experience this connection.)
Now change your grounding once again. This time create you own grounding
flowing from your first chakra to the center of the earth. It can be any one of
the three you used before, or something completely unique, it's up to you. This
is your very own grounding.
Breathe, relax, and experience.
Use your breath and release down your grounding cord, any tension,
distractions, or discomfort. Notice how you feel as you do this.
Be still, as you ground and relax. If you have questions this is the time to
ask and listen for the answers. Or simply allow yourself to be.
When you are done, open your eyes, bend forward and touch your hands to the
floor, as you relax your neck, and release any built up energy around the head
and shoulders into the earth. Slowly sit back up. If you journal this would be a
great time to record your experience. If not, then you're ready to go on to the
rest of your day or evening. Blessed be.
Erika Ginnis works as a psychic and practitioner in Seattle. She offers,
counseling, classes, reading and healing through her practice "Inspiration
is the In-Breath of Spirit."