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Re: Help with improving our current diet.
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Re: Help with improving our current diet.

Since you asked for suggestions, here are some. You may know some of this already.

You say you eat about every two hours. You would be better off eating only at meal times. It is ideal for most people to have two meals a day. Three meals is another option. Eat your last meal well before sleeping. You hear about the benefits of fasting. The body releases toxins while fasting. You can have the benefits of fasting between meals every day, which will result in the body eliminating more toxins every day.

You say you use animal protein. I don't know exactly what you are using. It is ideal to use plant proteins instead. I suggest you look into plant proteins. Animals do accumulate toxins in their bodies, just like humans. Animal protein would contain a small amount of toxins. I also draw a distinction between those animal proteins which can be used without killing the animals, such as eggs, and those which are obtained by killing the animal, such as meat.

The key to a good diet is variety and balance. If you have the same thing every day, you will soon feel the need for something else. Have variety by having different things, but stick to healthy things.

Health is the result of the total lifestyle. While diet is an important part of this, ensure all aspects of your lifestyle are healthy.

Keep up all things healthy, you will be so glad you did. You can live longer, and have much better quality of life as you become older.


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