Re: Understanding probiotics
We have gotten so very far away from our roots... check out indigenous people and their diets anywhere and they did not even start to eat the muscle meat till it was rotting... for good reason. Organ meats and glands they would eat fairly quickly, but some of these would turn too.
>>"yea, its about making your body a nice place for nice bugs. then you cant hardly help but attract them and probiotics are not necessary."<<
Extremely hard to do these days... not impossible. If someone is living in a polluted urban area/city... it is even tougher still.
Part of that REQUIRES daily intake of plenty of microflora... how you do it is up to you, how much you are willing to spend, etc.
If you want free... well... for the price of seed labor and materials, eat food out of your garden, which is fertilized properly with animal wastes (manure and compost mostly) and at most... just rinse it off.
Or, ferment and culture what you can from the store. It goes without saying that the better the quality of the food, and fermenting/culturing adds, the better the end product.
If for some reason beyond your control you end up on antibiotics, you must take something, but be aware that there are very few microflora products worth the price IMO... in fact most are not.
I would get dormant spore forms, or forms that are encapsulated in a humic/fulvic substance for food. Other's that encapsulate the microflora in their *food* are usually good too... spore forms and *certain* live species are, very resistant to changes in temperature and pH. The idea IMO is to avoid those products that *require* refrigeration (some products recommend it to extend shelf life however, do not require it), products that use artificial means to get the *microflora* past the stomach acid, and those not packaged in some sort of a food base that is provided for the microflora - although if you have a spore form, this may not be necessary.
Just to let you know, most *probiotic* products do not meet the claims that they make on their product labels. I hope that changes. But... no guarantees...
Just read an article on Natural News with references that said a lot of EVOO on the market is actually canola oil - highly likely GMO too.
I am greatly disappointed in that, however not surprised. Food laundering has been going on since man has been around with his greed and passion to serve mammon. It is probably not much different with supplements... know your source.
To address another post by trapper - while trapper believes that *probiotics* are a scam, and many *products* are as noted above, microflora are required every day of your life from birth to death.
it is a A HUGE missing piece in man's diets today. Not only that, but most foods and drinks destroy what little we may have.
kombucha, kefir, fermented vegetables, homemade unpasteurized and un sterilized wines, etc. Dandelion roots or root vegetables out of a properly maintained, agrochemical/toxin free soil, something.
And yes... your diet can help you maintain your populations if you live in a non-polluted environment and your diet is near perfect including cultured foods, ferments and rotting meats... know anyone like that?
Not these days... everything on the planet is contaminated now... even that lake they drilled through to in Antarctica - though it may be much less so than what we have on the surface of this rock.