I was reading up on bitters 'cleansing' the liver but this doesn't make sense to me as I learned that the liver doesn't ever at all 'store' toxins or anything in itself (does it even store toxins or do they bind into fat through another process), if it cant detoxify something it lets it through so how could bitters possibly flush or cleanse a perfectly clean and flushed liver in the first place? There must be some other mechanism such as stimulating the liver to more effectively detoxify the blood, or stimulate the body to convert stored toxins such as in fat back to the blood toxin state to be processed by the liver which is in fact not at all a liver cleanse but rather a body cleanse using the liver and it's just confusing someone help?
please don't reply unless you know what you're talking about as there is enough i heard that she said that he said this is true