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Re: Help! Two questions.. My experience and Parasite bites??
dessau12609 Views: 1,915
Published: 13 y
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Re: Help! Two questions.. My experience and Parasite bites??

appreciate all of your help....I don't know if I have Strongyloides or not.......I tried to talk to my doctor about it, but she said that people don't get it here in the US and she labelled me as DOP or as having delusions that I have parasites. I believe that my stinging and itching are from parasite die off, either from me killing them or them dying on their own. I am lucky because I can wad up a bunch of toilet tissue and hold it to the singing area and it eventually will go away, even if I have to do it several times. I can also pull something like fiber, also a clear
gelatinous substance and even the parasites. I can see them before they are quickly absorbed into the paper. No one else can see them but me it seems...but,today I had one pop out of my is smaller than a grain of rice and boy did it hurt! It had been really stinging and itching before it came out. Both ends look like they have end is shaped a little different than the other and is greyish in color!My husband thinks I am nuts, but will support me in buying me any meds I need. I am going to show the parasite to him when he gets home from work today!


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