Re: The healing process
Well I will tell my story and my current situation which is similar of you're experiencing.
I began to see I had some crusts on my lips at the end of the year 2009.
I know I had the bad habit to pull my lips out, surely after a chapped lips period.
By rethinking about this, I really think that the crusts period started up because of CHAPSTICK I was beginning to put on my lips in order to prevent it from wind and cold, but at this moment I didn't realize it was linked.
According to me, thanks to some comments on this forum and when I realized how bad was commercial chapstick, I really think CHAPSTICK I used excessively DRYED OUT my lips and PREVENT my lips from healing.
Regarding it would'nt improve I made a habit of saturate my lips with this CHAPSTICK until I consulted a dermatologist with the hope she would quickly handles the situation, but I fastly became disenchanted...
Then, we all know, we used (or 'are using' for certain) around ten creams/ointments/balms which lead to NOTHING except to clear out all of the crusts, have an elasticity and get the IMPRESSION to get rid of this problem but we know that it's just an ILLUSION, and even dermatologists were mistaken about it...We all know that all these products are BS and DO NOT solve ANYTHING..((even dermatologists want to prescribe us all the creams they want as a GROCER, they are completely mistaken (at least the ones i've consulted)).
Today, since 6 six days, I've really begun to let my lips FREE with the attention to keep my elasticity in order to enable my new skin to harmonize.
My lips (1/3 upper, 2/3 lower) were smoothes and red, I had lost my vermillon because of all the creams I was used to apply to it.
Today I can see the grooves. Obviously, I have crusts that I take care with nail scissors and it feels more tough than normal lips but the texture difference between in and out begin to appear and red color tends to disappear.
I have the certitude that our problem is a 'FALSE' problem that it would certainly heal by itself if we didn't have the reflex to put something on our lips...This is my case.