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The healing process
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Published: 13 y

The healing process

Hi everyone im going to tell you my story and then ask a few questions, im interested if everyone else experiences the same process.

I was on a course of accutane (got rid of the Acne incidentally) and during the time my lips went from dry to unbearable. I literally had to be smothered in creams by the end just to be able to talk. I remember the worst time I had an important interview and rubbed glycerin and all sorts of creams on my lips all day to get through it. Looking back I couldnt have treated my lips worse throughout the accutane. My job meant I was going from hot and cold all day then because I was so stressed about my lips I would go out every night with friends constantly drinking alcohol to keep my lips lubricated and I smoked like mad.

After reading through this forum I realised I needed to quit smoking, quit using creams etc, quit drinking and generally give my lips a break. One weekend i didnt go out at all, didnt smoke, ate healthy, drank water I noticed when I rubbed off the white skin before going to work that underneath the lips felt slightly easier to talk etc. I realised then that gradually over time on accutane all my layers of skin had actually come off hence why it was so hard to talk and generally why my lips needed constant water and lubrication.

I would say I have now spent around 4 months with a very healthy diet, exercise, no smoking and generally giving my lips plenty rest. Everytime my lips peal I notice my lips feel better and now they are fine to use, dont feel dry or need constant lubrication. When the flakes all come off now my lips actually look really normal and not sore but this bizarre cycle continues and in a few days its all flaky again and when they come off again the lips feel that little bit better underneath.

Does everyone relate to this? Is this just a gradual healing process I am experiencing? Just wonder if it will ever bloody heal and stop pealing!



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