at least dry the bedding daily to kill off mites.
mop the floor with vinegar daily.take off carpets. or wash the carpet with borax first, then vinegar.
take off carpet right now!
use bedding allergy shield.
It's no use killing the mites on the body, becasue not many are on a kid, they're in the guts of the adults, on bedding , on the carper, on the sofa.Change to leather fake leather sofa right now.
eat lots of raw veggie and fruits, but not raw meats.
For less suffer of our children!!!
For my son, I dry his bedding, I bathe him in vinegar, I feed him lactic acid pills, I gave him yogurt lotion, and he used to always have ezxema that last long,sooo much heart ache, but now, he's all fine.
The lord loves me.
God bless us all.
God says we're perfect, we just need to manage ourselves the right way. drug companies wants the money first, they train the doctors how to use drugs, not how to make us healthy.
Though I'm still not sure a fast cure, i made mistakes this 12 years, but I've learned from my mistakes, and I know I'm there.for my son is ezxema free, my husband gets better, eating the huge bowl of plain lactic culture yogurt I give him every night. a plate of fruits. I let him bring an apple and orange during the day.
at my middle age, I finally got it, and my family will all be healthy.when I retire, I don't need to spend lots of money in medicine, becasue if one can cope wth the health in middle age, he'll have stable health in old ages.
There's no miracle cure short time.the mites are every clean the enviorenment, you build up the immune system of the body, both are hard and long term tasks.
chinese medicines are all about killing mites, though they might not know it. Indians eat lots of spices, which make their body not welcome to mites.
people on this site pretendthey're sick, and try to make me give out a miracle cure i found, there's none.
Ezxema has 3 stages, each stage, needs to be treated differenly. but the immune buid up principle is always the same.if your immune builds up, the disease is gone.
When you're surounded by mites, does it work killing the mites on you? you get it the minutes your meds fade.
In winter, the room is not cold enough to kill them, in summer, not hot enough. allergy is called air conditioning disease in China.more and more people in big cities get allergies mom's generation, no one has problem in their vagina, no one knows what's is candida, but now, candida is every where, 80%have it, and only 20%know they have it. and doctors can not cure it, becasue the root is mites, every where mites.
I no longer think of earning money with my cream, I'm thinking of women suffering from vagina problems, children with ezxema, teenager with acnes, men with hair loss and prostate problems, skin problems. the right cream make you feel better, clear up, but you get it right after. the bad cream clears up, but make your immune worse, that's all.