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Re: Heavy Metal Removal with Fulvic Acid & R-Lipoic Acid; and Fuller's Earth.
sam7777 Views: 3,359
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Re: Heavy Metal Removal with Fulvic Acid & R-Lipoic Acid; and Fuller's Earth.

I have been particularly wondering what sort of role the immune system plays with dealing with these guilbert syndrome/fibro/cfs like symptoms. Also have to emphasize that the food sensitivities of add and autism patients is often exact same.

I am a pretty good example of there being some sort of trigger mechanism underneath all these mixed up hard to pin point symptoms.

I weighed 330 lbs and felt god awful. I felt depressed, brain fog, just not mentally capable of taking care of myself like an adult basically.

Kind of how I am now, but only weigh 175 lbs. So whatever was making me overweight before, that same immune reaction that seems to create such severe drop in metabolism is also responsible for bringing back on all the symptoms.

Sadly the only major change in my diet in the last 9 months was eating grass fed beef. Somehow I just think that was too much for the leaky gut thing to handle. (Kinda rough cuz the special SCD diet says not to eat chlorella - also heard fantastic things about chlorella growth factor)

So yea. I break my diet for Thanksgiving or a b-day meal, and it seems like somehow that could send me back to being chronically ill.

I really noticed these problems set in with a vengence during the beginning of june, because I was not exercising or sleeping as much, was eating Sugar occasionally, and had taken certain herbs.

All in all, I think the herbs changed my brain and body for the worse. They really were not suppose to but, the problems I have were to severe to take such strong risky herbs. I also suspect contamination.

Unfortunately I do not think I can chelate out PAH, Bisphenyl A, TCE, DEHP, or other nasty plastic stuff. (though these plastics leach metals as well).

I am not beyond looking into psychoneuro- based approaches. But that is sort of another discussion for another forum.


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