Problems with docs in other areas too...
I was told that I wasn't hypothyroid. Then I wound up in the ER and was told, "Yes, you are hypothyroid, but sometimes it doesn't show up in the blood tests right away."
Then the meds I was given - Synthroid - didn't really help me that much. A site called told me to ignore docs who put you on Synthroid & to find one who put would let you take Armour, a natural, animal based product. I listened to them, got Armour, & was much better off.
Blood tests also told me I wasn't hypoadrenal. site to the rescue again. They told me how to check for symptoms & that I had to get a urine test instead of a blood test. The doctor I had told me that urine tests were "worthless" but I found one who would do it. Then I was diagnosed with the problem and got put on hydrocortisone and again it made all the difference.
The same doctor put me on anti depressants with virtually no info on them at all. He never told me that being hypothyroid might be the underlying problem. He never told me that they deplete nutrients or that studies show they only work for awhile, then cause all kinds of problems. When I got off the one I was on - Citalopram - I felt better, not worse!
When I was having recurrent infections - strep, laryngitis, ear infections - all the docs & ENTs did was put me on
Antibiotics . They probably contributed to the candida I had to get rid of years later (which no doctor had a clue about, or evidently even considered). The problem always returned because I was working with little kids in speech therapy.
I prayed about this very hard & got the word "Listerine." What can I say? It doesn't cure the diseases, but by gargling with it 2 or 3 times a day those problems went away. A teacher I was working with tried it too and said for the 1st time she didn't come down with allergies in the spring.
I used magnet therapy (a simply north pole magnet taped over the painful area) to stop pain in a shoulder that was so bad it was keeping me awake at night. The MRI said I had a torn muscle there. The shots had stopped working and my only option was surgery at that point. It has been several years and, though I sometimes still have to wear the magnet, I have been fine.
I found out online, not through a doctor, that I needed progersterone as well as estrogen after a hysterectomy. The products I take, yam & Progest, are otc and work better and are less expensive than what they offer at the pharmacy.
The only option available to me for carpal tunnel was surgery as all else had failed. Then I found that the Sota Pulser worked to alleviate that problem amazingly.
Doctors can do wonderful things - especially with information through their diagnostic tests - but they can also do more harm than good. Anyone who just hands over their health to doctors and Big Pharma, without research, is foolish and headed for trouble, mho. Doctors are rarely trained in nutrition and are often heavily in debt from medical school. Quick-in-quick-out and hand them a prescription for pharmaceuticals is a faster way to get out of debt and keep up the rather lavish lifestyles that they commonly have.
The doctor I found that would listen to me worked independently. Most doctors work for some kind of group, so even if they have a heart to really help their clients, they are not free to do anything but shuffle them through quickly and give them the same ol', same ol', even if they really would like to do more.
We have been provided, in nature, with most everything we need to get and stay well. That should be our first option.
Anyone who gets on here and says "Just listen to doctors" makes me wonder what kind of agenda they might have. Working for Big Pharma maybe?