This is so very interesting for Candida
So, I have been trying to rid my body of this candida for over 2 months with minimal success except making myself ill. The other day I decided I didn't care at the moment and drank about 6
ounces of grape juice (NOT grapefruit, just grape). About 4 hours later I passed 2 worms in my stool and some mucous (the candida?). About 10 hours later I felt really ill and urinated a huge white cloud of candida! I felt relief after urinating.
I think now, I've read a few things about grape juice and how it binds the candida, such as how cranberry binds bacteria in the bladder, but so much more about how grape juice is "bad" because of the
Sugar content, I wanted to be sure before I started drinking a bunch of it.
SO, I took a mouthful of grape juice (100%, organic, swished it for 3 minutes and spit it out. When I spit it out, there were gobs of "stuff" in it, and the thrush on my tongue is gone!
Anyone have any input? I know the argument already about the sugar, and so on, but I want to know then why is my tongue now clear, there is "gunk" in the juice I spit? I struggle with the determinations of what is good and bad, because to date the only things I've read are what people think and assume, while my tongue is some actual proof.