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Re: If I'm 190lbs, 5'6 and fast from now 'til 1st of Feb.. How much weight can I expect to lose?
mommytofour Views: 2,392
Published: 13 y
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Re: If I'm 190lbs, 5'6 and fast from now 'til 1st of Feb.. How much weight can I expect to lose?

Water fasting cannot solve this problem for you. The key to fasting is the refeeding. That is the most essential part. If you refeed properly, then your fast will be healthy and a success.

My suggestion is to try and dramatically change how you eat and see if you can adapt before you embark on a water fast.

Can you go one week eating only raw fruits/veggies?
Can you go two weeks?
Can you go three weeks?

Water fasting is for healing and not weight loss because it slows your metabolism. If you don't refeed properly, then you are harming yourself and defeating this process.

Water fasting takes stamina, strength, and a deep understanding on how food effects the body. I have tried Water Fasting for some time now, and it is only now that I am a success because I can refeed properly.

The discipline one needs to Water Fast is a mental challenge beyond anything you have ever experienced. Water Fasting is more psychological than physical. If you are currently struggling with a love/hate relationship with food, then you need to correct that avenue first.



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