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Re: Can I hear some success stories on recovery from parasites?

Clarkia Parasites Tincture
Hulda Clark Parasites Tinctures

Clarkia Parasites Tincture
Hulda Clark Parasites Tinctures

musimesipomahat Views: 15,757
Published: 13 y
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Re: Can I hear some success stories on recovery from parasites?

Hi, welcome to cleaning process!!!
yes, it is a PROCESS - there's no magic pill and/or magic herb that would take all the 'crap' out in a short time, sorry for more disappointment but it is truth.

Judging from what you wrote, I would bet that systemic stuff (microscopic or larger parasites - lyme, bacterias, tapeworms, roundworms etc etc.)is what made you and still makes you so sick. From my experience the body suffers most with the systemic stuff, the immune system often just shuts off and can't deal with all that "crap", so the most important is to try any way possible to reduce the "crap" while at the same time try different ways to support your immune system so it can get its job done - help you to heal. Different things work for different people so there's no "one way" how to heal - that is something you need to discover on your own, what works best for your situation, for you as a human being.

The reason is that I am still fighting them and they can hide so well that you are not even aware of them but still they are there and causing all the suffering, pain and discomfort.

Typically, in addition to one type/kind of prasite, there is a Zoo, literally, once you get infected with one, your body gets significantly weaker and then you easily pick up anything from anywhere - the parasites are everywhere around us, no matter how you want to protect yourself, usually it doesn't happen. Tapeworm, specifically pork Tapeworms place a huge burden on immune system, they are apparently the worse in the body, they almost shut your entire system. I'm just going through it and I thought that these are GONE as i treated them for a long time.

I was so sick back in 2008/2009 I literally thought that I would die, my body was so extremely over-burdened with something that I had no idea what. So I started learning and fighting back and I must say that even though I'm still sick on many days, there are more days when I have a lot of energy and feel like a normal human being. But until all the damaging parasites are gone, I'd be unable to say that I am healthy. So it is a process of clearing all of them and all the by-products they create in your body. Plus, all that you had already in your body that very likely helped for the infection to get crazy (everybody has something and it takes only some kind of trigger and then it all goes out of control and takes a while until it's cleared.

Somewhere down the post here there is a post from Newport with many informative and good links - good stuff to read to learn a bit of what can happen and how it happens.

Regardless of your current situation - your body will help to heal if you help your body to do that. Takes time and money and effort but it gets done. Slowly but surely.
But I still remember how desperate and sick i was, so I know your situation - not easy. It definitely gets better when you take your health into your own hands and learn what can help and then try different things to see what is the most beneficial for your situation.


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