Re: HELP! Saw worms in the toilet bowl after flushing!
Well, they USED to be rare, until immigrants from all over the world came to developed countries and brought them along.
Doctors are idiots when it comes to parasites. They just spout what they hear in med school, which is the same thing they've been telling them for hundreds of years. This doesn't apply to today's world.
For example, people are unhealthier than they have ever been, and they don't follow the old ways that used to keep
parasites at bay, like kids taking castor oil every night, or drinking bitter tea. Our foods are harvested by immigrants from parasite-ridden countries who defecate in the fields. Our diet is too acidic, which makes our bodies acidic, which is the perfect environment for
parasites to grow. Our ancestors ate fresh, local fruits and veggies, now ours come from countries far away, where again...
parasites flourish. Also there is more travel to and from those countries.
Doctors need to catch on that this isn't the same world anymore, and parasites are here and they are staying here.