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The starches I'm eating are...
North Views: 1,815
Published: 14 y
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The starches I'm eating are...

The starches I'm eating are:

Homemade bread without any yeast, made from various types of flour and raised with baking powder

Quinoa cooked like oatmeal-style


Brown rice cakes

Hope that answers the question. Today is the first day after finishing the three strict days, and today I allowed a few strawberries, a piece of a sour pear, and some sweeter vegetables like cooked tomato sauce. I also allowed 10% of my calories today to be calories from fat.

So, I didn't do a dramatic "test" by indulging in lots of fruit, I just want to go slow on testing how this has worked. It will likely be a week of eating like I did today before I can report on any bad or lack of bad symptoms.

I'll post progress over the next weeks in a new thread, using message titles with "low fat diet progress" in the heading, so people can find the newer thread.

(this thread you are looking at right now will be hard to find after awhile, so that's why I'll start a new thread)



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