Re: Alternate ALA protocol?
I take my multivitamin, selenium and zinc with dinner. Vitamin C I take every couple of hours (1,000mg), and also with every chelation dose, for a total of probably 10g/day. I also highly recommend sublingual B12 in the morning.
The changes and improvement in mental and physical wellbeing that I've experienced in these last five months of chelating can only be described as miraculous. As my old posts show, one year ago at this time I was basically on my death bed. Nowadays I feel like I am finally turning the corner toward getting back in the gym and being the old me again.
Once I added ALA three months into my chelation, combined with lecithin, the brain chelation effects were unbelievable. For the first few ALA rounds, it actually felt like electricity was buzzing through my brain.
Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, Andy Cutler should receive the Nobel Prize. I can't imagine trying to cope with the problems I had without his information.