Re: Tests showing things but no cause found
I'm 100% sure my medical problems started with Mirena, especially since it was lost for up to 3 years in my abdomen after it punched through the uterus. And I know that a very very few women aren't better after 2 years. But is seems like a downward spiral. Why get anemia 20 months post despite supplements? I wonder if it's related to the osteoporosis I got at age 35. (Does anyone know where I can trade in this body??)
None of the Drs. have said what to do about the inflammation. I've tried herbal anti inflammatories and nerve pain pills like neurontin and the fibromyalgia med. savella. No luck so far. It's so hard to accept having pain all day every day for years now. . .
As to the mold, you should have seen the disgusting black stuff in the class AC closet. They said it was dirt, but I sent a tiny q-tip of the stuff to the lab and it grew 4 molds. It can't be GOOD for me on top of everything else.
Nomirena, how horrible the surgery didn't take! I know you are so disappointed! Please let me know what they plan to do.
Hailey, I've been reading about your daughter and I'm so glad she's getting better. She is lucky to have a mom who cares so much!!