I think that you are correct in saying that Mirena weakens your body. I felt good for about a month and now feeling bad again. I am having terrible jaw pain and the brain fog is back after a bad head cold and a ton of stress. It is the same face pain that I had while I had the Mirena in and after for a few months, only worse. My jaw surgery was not successful, so is the jaw or the Mirena or both causing the bad jaw pain I have now ? I am going to my primary care tomorrow...see what she says.
As far as the deiviated septum, I have had sinus problems for years...way before Mirena. I went to at least three different doctors during that time. None caught it. Finally went to a different Dr who found it, never had it fixed though. If it was the mold in the school, wouldn't most of the symptoms have gone away during the summer ?
Hope you are able to figure something out in all of this !!