Thank you so much for responding LoricaLady you are a lifesaver! I wanted to give a little more info on the worm, this particular one was the biggest and the hard skin of its head makes me think its very old< maybe 20 years. The head was about 2-3 square inches and connected to a snake-like body 15-18 in long of all skin like a snake. The age and size has me very worried about migration as i feel em moving in my legs and back at times. Im gonna try the Q10 and just started colladial silver with L-cystein. I went to see holistic dr today who is running blood work and he found me a lab in scottsdale Az where they actually look at the parasites and i was instructed to insert cleaned off parasites only into the vials so ill be sending that off tomorrow. also judging by you description i prob have serious ammounts of candida ill enclose pics will u let me know plz? and thank you again for your reply your information is priceless! zapper next on my list for sure and i do have sum money so id like to get a decent one maybe ill check that forum..