Re: treatment for mild Pancreatitis
Sorry it took me so long to reply, I haven't been on curezone lately. You can ask your doctor to prescribe you digestive enzymes but if they haven't diagnosed you with chronic pancreatitis which can take 4-ever then they usually won't give you the enzymes but you can always buy enzymes online, Vitacost have some for fairly good prices.
My MRI did not show anythning either and my doctor was also saying like yours that its probaly muscle pain and I knew it was not muscle pain. I pretty much give up on tradional medicine because they only treat the symptoms and not the cause.
Im not going to lie the juice fatsing at first is not a walk in the park but after a couple weeks it gets easier. I believe the key to healing is no fat except omega3's lots of raw,veggie,juicing,antioxidants,minerals,light exercise,rest, and a very alkaline raw diet until you are pain free & healed and even after it would be wise to never go back to living the way you were before the pancreatitis showed its ugly Make the blood alkaline i believe is the key because if your not getting enough oxygen in your bllod your tissues can not heal.
These books I found very helpful and they all had alot things in common and there advice in the books have healed real people with pancreas cancer and other cancers plus diseases the usa say our incurable.
The books I've read was
I hope your doing well.