Re: At Wits End, Curezone Your My Only Friend
Don't believe the test results, trust your instincts. If you are sure it was not anything you ate, then what you saw most likely was parasites. If you want to go the drug route, there is a forum here to help with that. I don't believe the drugs work any better than natural remedies though, and can cause long term damage to other organs if you take them long enough.
Reading your story, reminded me of a connection I have seen over and over, including myself ---- there are many cases of people who turn their health around only to later find they have parasites.
Although I have always been very health conscious, was never a heavy drinker/drug user, healthy eater for the most part, tried to excersize and be outdoors as much as possible, I still fell into a highly stressful job and lifestyle, which made me overweight and unhealthy even though I hardly ate. I turned all that around between 2005-2007, and despite this change, I still felt like crap. I could not figure this out. It all made sense in May 2010 when I expelled the first bundle of worms.
My theory is that sometimes when we make that change in our lives and try to turn our health around, we uncover and release
parasites that either were living undetected in our miserable bodies, or as we start to get healthy, they act up with the change in their living conditions.
I have several theories, such as all the fruits and veggies I ate trying to be healthy, loaded w/pesticides and herbicides lowered my immune system. Or I was using between 6-10 packets of splenda daily, which is now thought to short circuit immune function. Or it could just be the stress that either released the
parasites or lowered my immunity so that when I was exposed, they flourished in me.
I recommend a
parasite cleanse, and you probably need something stronger than Humaworm, and for longer than 30 days. You have get your bowels moving. I ordered LBB cheap off ebay, and I think it helped me when I had a blockage, also warm water with fresh lemon juice, even on a rare occasion an OTC laxative has helped. (I don't believe in OTC drugs either, but sometimes you have to weigh what is worse, and being constipated lets worms flourish in your system).
If you saw a worm, there are definatly many more, and possibly other
parasites also. You have come so far and made so many great changes in your life, it may take time to find what works for you, but in the end, it will be worth it and you can enjoy the healthy life you worked to achieve.