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At Wits End, Curezone Your My Only Friend
aquarius0123 Views: 3,494
Published: 13 y

At Wits End, Curezone Your My Only Friend

Okay, let's start from the beginning...

Six years ago I was overweight, at almost 220 lbs (5'10"), I was a heavy drinker and smoker, I was miserable, and I did not love myself. I used drugs on a regular basis such as adderall, cocaine, marijauna, cigarettes, liquor, pain pills, and on top of that I used accutane prior for two years.

I got up one day, completely soaked in my own sweat and puke, and said this is not how I'm going to die... I committed myself to rehab that day.

After rehab, I committed myself to a healthy lifestyle and left the drugs and booze behind and became a much, much more spiritual person. This was five years ago.

Four years ago I noticed one day at work that after lunch it was increasingly difficult to concentrate and do even the simplest exercises using my brain. I decided that I was going to apply myself full fledged to my health, and I did.
I cut out dairy, I cut out grains, and I started making fruit smoothies in the morning as well as exercising everyday. I was committed, I wanted to feel real health. This helped some, but my symptoms were still basically present and I was having insomnia at night. I was constantly constipated and had replaced my other addictions with caffeine.

After two years of sobriety and significant gains in terms of weight dropped and healthier life style changes my attitude and outlook began to significantly drop. I felt like I constantly had a low grade fever, which I still feel to this day. My symptoms were not improving so I started to see an accupunturist and nature path. Their first reaction was liver, my god son, you need to detox that liver... I agreed.

I tried many detox plans and flushes. Most notably the Liver Flush using the Epsom Salts , olive oil, and lemon juice. After a flush, I would feel like I had been boozing and drugging the night before... I continued to flush, hoping it was the toxins being rereleased in my system to be disposed of. Every time after a flush it was dramatically mess up my regularity and it would be at least a good week before my bowel movements were solid again... but it was worth it if I was getting better... at least that's what I thought.

A year and a half ago I was feeling better. I had made great strides in my physical appearance and my emotional state was on somewhat better footing. I was still feeling physically under the weather, headaches, fatigue, coughing up a lot of mucas now, generally feeling like I had a cold... all the time. Then I started dating someone and about a month into it I got Mononucleosis. It was confirmed by a lab test and basically all I could do is wait it out. I went through a lot of emotional trauma at this time and well as physically feeling ill. One strange symptom that has never left is every now and then I will have a bright blue dot in my vision and then it will go away. I slowly improved after the mono to feel how I do today.

Thinking that their may be a connection between parasites and mononucleosis, I had read Hudla Clark's interpretation that parasites often carry bacteria/viruses I decided to do a parasite cleans. I ordered a month supply of humaworm. I expelled three things which was somewhat startling and am trying to identify. The first I think I may know, It was a large white ball, like just smaller than a golf ball which I believe was a Tapeworm scolex or head. Please correct me or add suggestios if I'm wrong. The second was a large yellow sac, like the size of a tennis ball. It appeared to have a rubbery-like texture. The third was a very, very long round slim worm curled around stool. I should have taken a picture but I was just in awe.

I went to my doctor and told him of these things I saw in my stool. He gave me a prescription for Praziquantel. I took the Praziquantel and had an emotional experience and produced mass amounts of stool with many, many white looking things. I told him of this and we did a stool sample, which I included the white things. The tests came back negative for anything. I then asked him to give me a prescription for Albendazole, which he did in a three day dose. I took it and am extremely constipated after taking it. I asked my doctor to give me more Praziquantel since it seemed to expell a great many things and he refused. He said you do not have parasites and if you did they have been eradicated, I would not be practicing good medicine if I wrote you another script.

I currently have a very slight fever. I'm extremely fatigured. I can't poop. I can't sleep. I don't know if it's parasites or not since the tests came back negative. I don't even know what I'm asking, I'm just tired of feeling like my body is fighting something off all the time. I don't know where else to go...


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