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Re: Report
aijian Views: 2,114
Published: 14 y
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Re: Report

I have read your history and your case is extremely close to mine. I went to see great specialist in environmental medicine like Kalpana Patel who works with Dr William Rea and operates an environmental health clinic in Buffalo. She told me our case are really complex. First, something got our immune system down which lead to yeast infection. The infection went chronic and we started to overreact to yeast protein. This type of chronic hypersensitivity to a chronic infection put an even bigger strain on our immune defense. The candidiasis continued to be chronic and we gain stronger and stronger T-cells tolerance to candida. Yeast hypersensitivity got worse with more and more infection. Immune system then collapsed and the spreading phenomenon and what we call MCS took place. You start reacting to everything (food, mold, chemicals, inhalant). You become a universal reactor. This put even more strain on your immune defence and the chronic infection gets even more entrenched. T-cell tolerance is now total because of extremely low cell-mediated immunity and enormous tolerance towards yeast.

When you don’t follow your diet your symptoms get worse because you have a dormant infection. It is chronic and remain minimal when you follow diet and take antifungals. Once you worsen your infection with carb intake or DMSA or by stopping antifungals, your infection become rapidly major because you cell-mediated immunity toward yeast is low.

But you are still hypersensitive to yeast. This hypersensitivity will happen as soon as yeast start to multiply. You have to find which symptoms are due to hypersensitivity and which one are due to low cell-mediated immunity due to a worsening of infection. I believe your acne, ringworm, dandruff, cold sores, white creamy tongue are due to lower cell mediated immunity when your chronic infection worsen afters several days of not respecting diet or not taking antifungals. I believe that brain fog, dizzy and gas, itchy skin are due to allergy and hypersensitivity to yeast by-products.

Hypersensitivity towards an antigen and tolerance to the same antigen are the main feature of what is an environmental illness.

Avoidance of all allergens is of the utmost importance because hypersensitivity reaction collapses your cell-mediated immunity. To cure this disease you have to yeast your immune system for a very long time. It means stop exposing your system to antigens that makes you sick (including yeast protein, yeast by-product and mold).

You need complete immunotherapy for all 21 molds, dust, dust mites, chemical (phenol and formaldehyde), candida. Then your immune system will have some rest and it will be easier to loose tolerance to candida when you desensitize your immune system to antigens that keeps cell-mediated immunity low.

I have some relief from the shots but it takes long time before seeing results. It is a slow build-up.

You have to know that as long as you kill yeast you create die-off. Die-off will worsen all your sensitivities and your hypersensitivities to yeast. You have to take charcoal and psylliium and Bentonite to get the more yeast antigens out of you. Your yeast, chemical, food and mold hypersensitivities will lessen after long term sterilization with RX antifungals. They will worsen during the first months because die-off (hypersensitivity to yeast by-product) must be the main contributor to your total load which keep you cell-mediated immunity vey low. They will worsen if you cheat on the diet or the stop antifungals after these first months of die-off. I believe we have to follow this protocol for years to clear our hypersensitivities

You need strong RX antifungals to sterilize your body from yeast.

Could you tell me which symptoms improved from your chelation? I’ve read in some of your post that you got better with chelation.


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