Its been 5 weeks almost since i had my panic attack, and almost a month since i got mirena taken out, i still have anxiety, but i have not had a full blown panic attack again since i was in the hospital with it and the day after. I have not taken any meds for my anxiety tho i do have them. I have been drinking alot of water and i started taken Vitamins, i just got my first full period it was a little early, 5 days before a month from when i had the bleeding from getting mirena removed. it scared me at first because it was bright red blood and LOTS of it, with blood clots too. not something i was use to. but i had Mirena for 5 years, and my periods had stopped while i was on it. my anxiety seemed to be getting better a week before my period started, i actually thought i was getting better and than 2 days before my period i started to feel worse and worse again, but nothing like a full panic attack! just more anxiety. I am hoping that since today is my first day off my period that it will go back down again! I'm ready to be myself again, i can't enjoy pretty much anything anymore it seems like. I don't have anxiety of people i have anxiety about "doing things" its weird. Like going to the store or to a restaurant! I hope things get better for everyone who is experiencing side effects from this, it can really make you feel like your going "crazy" or something!