Hello, I am twenty years old. I had Mirena put in at the age of 15 after I gave birth to my daughter. I didn't have like any side effects when Mirena was first put in, a few mood swings, but nothing serious. I had had Mirena for almost the whole 5 years. 3 weeks before my five years I ended up in the Hospital with a Panic Attack. It was BAD the worst thing ever! I had never had a Panic Attack before so I had no idea what was going on, until the doctors told me it was a Panic Attack! During the past few years I had noticed that Anxiety started to become more and more but nothing too serious until now. I had never had Anxiety before Mirena. I was Captain of my Cheerleading Squad ect. No Anxiety. I got Mirena taken out Friday and i'm still having Anxiety... Its horrible! I can't really go anywhere with out feeling terrible and i'm thinking horrible thoughts about death ect. The worst part is you try to control it and you can't! Will this ever go away?? I need it to go away! I don't want to feel like this forever, seriously i don't want to feel this way for another minute. And I also don't want to have to take medicine for Anxiety for the rest of my life! This is The Worst!