It could be die-off. I know both zeolite and humic and fulvic acids can create die-off if you are toxic enough. Constipation is common with die-off.
To the other poster, I have never heard of humic and fulvic acid doing this. What you described to me sounds more like die-off also. If you have heavy metals in your brain and you start to chelate them, you can go through a healing crisis. Dizziness, is not uncommon with a healing crisis and I'm pretty certain the being shocked feelings you are common too with heavy metal toxicity. I know I have them with lyme and sometimes my hand and legs will jerk by themselves, and it sometimes feels like a jolt. I also have heavy metal issues so I'm sure this could be contributing to it as well. I have been using zeolite which has humic and fulvic acid in it. This particular product has been getting lots of recognition and I think awards. I am definitely having die-off. I've wanted to sleep all day and I feel like I have the flu, i.e. runny/stuffed up nose, alternating sore throat, headache, feeling more tired than usual, asthma kicked up, etc. Besides the zeolite, I am also taking an anti-parasitic and stuff for candida, so it's probably just a big whammy hitting me all at once.