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Re: Reflections on Degenerative Illness
Eric11 Views: 2,530
Published: 14 y
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Re: Reflections on Degenerative Illness

I think everyone who has dealt with metals has had to deal with emotional trouble of one kind or another and chelating can make them temporarily worse.

Unfortunately, I don't know very much about copper toxicity, so I can't give you much (useful) advice about that. What lead you to believe that copper is your trouble?

My problem seems to be mainly mercury from silver fillings, but sometimes I wonder if I may have other issues too (like possibly copper). That's why I'm curious about your experience.

I could make some general suggestions about chelating and hope they are helpful to you.

The metals tests are of questionable reliability. That doesn't mean they are necessarily useless, but you should be skeptical about the results.

I would definitely find out as much as you can about chelating before doing any kind of metal removal since poor chelating can cause many problems.

I find that most people find frequent-dose chelating to be the best way to get rid of metals (or at least heavy metals like mercury and lead). That means taking a chelator every 3-4 hours, including once in the middle of the night. This keeps the effect going and helps to prevent redistribution of the metal. Perhaps, you are already doing this, but I thought I would suggest it in case you're not.


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