Re: Reflections on Degenerative Illness
Sorry, Eric. See, here is my paranoia in action: just about to go to sleep last night and I get a sinking feeling of thinking, "Oh. Maybe Eric wasn't asking me but he was asking Sam, and now I'm thinking it's all about me, and what a m*o*o*n I am, and blah blah blah blah." Sigh.
But anyway, sorry Sam for hijacking your post :)
To answer your question Eric, I don't really know how that chelator is working for me yet. I know it IS working though because I'm having a little too much die-off to be comfortable with. I'm just dealing with the copper at the moment. As far as I know I don't have mercury or lead issues but I'm planning on having a hair mineral analysis done to know for sure.
I'm really not sure about the EDTA. I just chose this chelator because I trust the company having used their other products plenty of times before.