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Re: How much Foti to take?

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LongNhi Views: 31,973
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Re: How much Foti to take?

Hi mingus,

Thank you for the information.

10:1 to means the powder is concentrated ten times.

In other words, 10 lbs of the plant are reduced down to 1 lb.

Is the reduction due to how people process it? Does the herb stil keep the potency after being processed, extracted?

Start with a quarter to 1/2 teaspoon a day. Can be mixed with hot water to make a tea. Take everyday until you begin to wake up covered in sweat at night.

Then reduce to only taking every other day.

This is interesting information. I saw HV said somewhere to use 5000mg, 3 times/day. It seems like a lot. May be he meant 500mg? And I am not sure how this translate to tsp? For the last couple days, I tried 1 tsp, 3 times a day. I am not sweating at night yet. Is it possible to overdose?

The fo ti (he shou wu) will revitalize your body and you need to take enough so that you start generating more heat inside of your body. And at that point you reduce how often you consume it to every other day.

So sweating at night is sign that the body has a lot of vitality?

It will take months to reverse the gray, but it will happen.

I will do this rather than dyeing my hair. Thank you for the heads up.

There are lots of herbs that help with vanity. Rosehips, butchers broom, amla, acerola, nettle, etc... etc... etc... Some amino acids: Tyrosine, Glycine, tri methyl glycine.

What do these herbs do?

Ozone therapy will also reverse gray, but the gray comes back quick if you stop. Fo ti takes a lot longer to work, but works a lot longer even after stopping.

How do we use ozone to reverse gray? Do you blow it on the hair or drink the ozone water ?



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