Hey everyone, its been awhile, I know. Hope every is having better days and hopes of good days to come. Here is an update for me: I am almost 15 months post removal, STILL not better. I can't say that I'm worse but definitely not better. I went and saw a naturopath the beginning of Oct. because I just had enough and was desperate to find someone who can help me. Well, she diagnosed me with chronic lyme disease. Funny thing is I was bit by a tick about 4 months before my mirena insertion and started feeling horrible about 4 months post insertion, 8 months post tick bite. I am so confused now because all of these mirena symptoms have the exact same symptoms as lyme. This ND used electro dermal screening to diagnose and started me on an herbal supplement that is not really helping at all. I am completely overwhelmed and at a loss as what to do. Do I not treat and rely on that this is all mirena and eventually work its way out and risk not treating if it is lyme, or do I treat with the thought that it is lyme and possibly waste a great amount of time and money when it turns out to be mirena all along....Any thoughts/ideas/support would be greatly appreciated.I also wanted to say I loved the post of words of encouragement. I have recently asked God back into my life after a long break in my faith. I have been praying a lot with the hopes that He hears me. I pray for all of you as well.