Birthwillow, let me just tell you friend that Lyme's disease is ONE of the MANY things I wondered if I had. Because, when I googled my symptoms (many times) besides MS, ALS, Lupus and other things, Lyme's disease had a lot of the symptoms that I was experiencing. Our back yard has a lot of trees, and my kids have had ticks on them before. I started thinking maybe this is what the problem is. I'm not going to say that you do NOT have lyme's disease....because I am not a doctor..and I do not know. But, I might consider getting a second opinion. The fact that the rest of us have had ALL the same symptoms as you have had makes me skeptical of it being something other than Mirena. Here is something I copied and pasted for you from wikipedia.
Lyme disease is diagnosed clinically based on symptoms, objective physical findings (such as erythema migrans, facial palsy or arthritis) or a history of possible exposure to infected ticks, as well as serological blood tests. The EM rash is not always a bullseye, ie, it can be red all the way across. When making a diagnosis of Lyme disease, health care providers should consider other diseases that may cause similar illness. Not all patients infected with Lyme disease will develop the characteristic bullseye rash, and many may not recall a tick bite.[77]
Because of the difficulty in culturing Borrelia bacteria in the laboratory, diagnosis of Lyme disease is typically based on the clinical exam findings and a history of exposure to endemic Lyme areas.[3] The EM rash, which does not occur in all cases, is considered sufficient to establish a diagnosis of Lyme disease even when serologic blood tests are negative.[78][79] Serological testing can be used to support a clinically suspected case, but is not diagnostic by itself.[3]
Diagnosis of late-stage Lyme disease is often complicated by a multifaceted appearance and nonspecific symptoms, prompting one reviewer to call Lyme the new "great imitator."[80] Lyme disease may be misdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis,
Rheumatoid Arthritis , fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, Crohn's disease or other autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases.
I particularly am noticing the part about the serological testing being able to SUPPORT the case, but is not a diagnosis by itself.
As far as finding your faith again, PLEASE don't assume that just because you are still in pain God does not hear you. He does tell us to cast our cares on Him, but that doesn't mean our lives will be pain-free. Sometimes, He shows His love even more through the hard times. Have you ever heard the song Blessings by Laura Story? I can't ever hear it without crying. Here is the link to the song. She wrote it after her husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor. It's been such a blessing to me...Hope it is to you as well!