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Re: Hey guys (body odor sufferers)
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Re: Hey guys (body odor sufferers)

trundle bee..
the only reasons why i believe its fecal is because the few times people actually voice their opinion out loud or in passing of my odor they'll say ohhh he smells like shit or ass... and another reason is because im always smelling poop around me when im outside so i believe that im catching a whiff of my own odor,but lets just say for sake of argument that people usually generalize a bad odor with the worst thing they can compare it to being "shit" but how do u explain me always smelling poop or better yet flys & mosquito's attacking me all day in the summer time,it has to be a fecal/garbage type of strong smell or recently i've even thought of it might be a rotten egg odor..either way its gotta go !!!!!


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