14 y
Hey guys (body odor sufferers)
I think we should all list our symptoms and things that have and haven't worked for us.
I'll go first.
My symptoms: I don't know what kind of odor I omit. It is intermittent and does not immediately worsen after I eat sugary foods. The heat makes it worse. I have chills, constipation and fever. I don't think I have bad breath. I think the odor comes from me on a whole. My tongue is white. My face is constantly warm and my body has a warm buzzing sensation on my arms chest, back and neck.
I tried: the Candida diet/FODMAP diet. I thought this worked as the odor went away for two months, then I became for lax with my diet (drinking a lot of alcohol). My symptoms are not obvious or directly correlate to any one illness so I can't say I have candida. The odor passed for two months, then came back stronger. I have not eaten
Sugar like 5 days now and the smell is still here. Which makes me believe I had a sinus problem but the odor is not chronic.
Ok, looking forward to seeing your symptoms and hopefully maybe I or someone else has read something which is relevant to an ailment we have read about and can let you know what your possible diagnosis for this odor could be!