Hey guys, so an update for you (read my past posts for background). Doctor ordered blood lab about two months ago, showed slightly elevated eosinophils (most likely due to pollen allergy) and slightly low platelet counts. Mind you I am a 28 year old athlete, in the prime of my life, with a stellar health background (until 4-6 months ago - anxiety, adrenal fatigue symptoms, hypoglycemia, etc.) and extremely healthy lifestyle habits. He then ordered a more comprehensive blood test as well as a 24 hour urine cortisol test about a month ago to get an accurate picture of my (morning) ACTH/cortisol levels. Both were subsequently slightly above normal. Other profiles were out of range, including low platelets again. All other profiles (WBC, RBC, etc.) were in range. The urine test, however, scored an avg. of 25 on a reference range of 0-50. Based off the elevated ACTH/cortisol, the doctor has now ordered a MRI of my brain and CT scan of my lungs to rule out any hormone secreting tumors. Obviously this is a long shot (he thinks so too), but he wants to rule them out before working directly with an endocrinologist. What is confusing is how I felt my worst two months ago and am now feeling better, yet my most recent blood test had profiles out of range that were not previously out of range on my first test (when I felt worse). What is more confusing is that the cortisol levels on my saliva test were all within range and then the urine test was just fine. Perhaps the morning serum test was inaccurate due to stress of being at a blood lab? Any thoughts?
Below is a summary of the notable results on my last two blood tests and 24 hour saliva/urine tests:
09/08/11 - 24 hour saliva cortisol test
Progesterone: 14 (12-100)
Testosterone: 73 (44-148)
DHEAS: 5.1 (2-23; age dependent)
Morning cortisol: 4.8 (3.7-9.5)
Noon cortisol: 2.0 (1.2-3.0)
Evening cortisol: 1.1 (0.6-1.9)
Night cortisol: 0.6 (0.4-1.0)
09/16/11 - Blood test
Platelets: 106 (140-415)
Eos (absolute): 0.6 (0.0-0.4)
10/17/11, 8 AM - Blood test
Platelets: 107 (140-415)
Neutrophils: 32% (40-74%)
Lymphs: 51% (14-46%)
Eos: 8% (0-7%)
Neutrophils (absolute): 1.7 (1.8-7.8)
Eos (absolute): 0.5 (0.0-0.4)
ACTH: 81.6 (7.2-63.3)
Cortisol (AM): 23.5 (6.2-19.4)
Note: Interestingly enough, potassium and sodium levels were both normal
10/21/11 - 24 hour urine cortisol test
Cortisol: 12
Cortisol: 25 (0-50)
Any insight would be highly appreciated, thanks!