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Re: Walking in the full Power of the Gospel.

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Re: Walking in the full Power of the Gospel.

Was just noticing something and wanted to give it a thought.....are we getting fruit and gifts mixed up?

Gifts are given from above...just like when one person gives a present to another....but fruits are grown as we walk in the Spirit.

Doesn't it take water, sunshine, nutrients in the soil to allow the tree to produce? Being planted in good soil of His Word and watered by His Spirit as we absorb His Light, produces healthy fruit. If we walk in darkness (our choice) our leaves fade. If we go without His ever refreshing water poured on our roots they begin to dry out and the soil becomes hard as stone and the fruit are either not produced or wither and fall to the ground. Surely God did not make that happen?

If we find we are not walking in the Fruit of the Spirit on all occasions then what is the problem? I think we would all say it has something to do with sin. God gives us His Spirit but our sin nature has an effect on the production or non production of the fruit.

If we all really believe we are on a journey and none are perfected as of yet....wouldn't it make more sense?

Galations 5:22

The Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. 23... "against such there is no law." 24 And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit."

"But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law." Gal. 5:18

I think we would all love to have a well rounded tree full of all of these different fruits but I find that not to always be the case for about you?

If I confess my sins or ask God to reveal to me what hidden sin there is, He is faithful to do so and I have then opened the door in humbleness for my sin to be wiped out and forgotten, and then be restored by the power of the Holy Spirit to help me product better quality fruit.

I'm not talking about salvation...I'm talking about the order of things in the Spirit that give us victory.

There are nine Gifts of the Spirit and there are nine Fruit of the Spirit. Don't you think they all work together to help us become better christians....not just saved christians?



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