re:solomon's seal:it's all about "phytocomposition"
Just thought this info. might be of interest to people. Lots of people! with cartilage and bone issues.... etc.
And wow- my partner just today had a slight 'fall' using the "wheelTrans" system -- More a jarring "jar". But when you are just newly out of osteo-rehab, and off all the drugs, and working, there is pain and a certain hardship!
What a great plant!!!! I need to make this.
The Main Constituents of Solomon's Seal
Perhaps the best known, and more commonly understood, components of Solomon's Seal are gum, sugar, starch, pectin, and Vit. A.
Responsible for Solomon's Seal's many health activities, however, is a unique phytocomposition, as if coming out of a laboratory:
· steroidal saponins (Beneficial health effects include control of blood cholesterol levels, bone health, cancer, and building up of the immune system)
· glycosides (Cardiac glycosides are an important class of naturally occurring drugs, available in plants, whose actions include both beneficial and toxic effects on the heart. Plants containing cardiac steroids have been used as poisons and heart drugs at least since 1500 B.C.
Throughout history these plants or their extracts have been variously used as arrow poisons, emetics, diuretics, and heart tonics. Cardiac steroids are widely used in the modern treatment of congestive heart failure and for treatment of atrial fibrillation and flutter.
Although their toxicity remains a serious problem if taken in large or sustained quantities, in very small doses, as used in tinctures and homeopathy, they are entirely safe)
· polysaccharides (The form in which most natural carbohydrates occur. It accounts for the mucilagenous, soothing qualities of a root herb like Solomon's Seal)
· alkaloids (A naturally occurring group of chemical compounds. Most of the known functions of alkaloids are related to protection from parasitic bacteria and fungi, as a neurotransmitter, and as a regulator for cell growth and metabolism)
· anthraquinones (Anthraquinones are more likely to be present in plants as glycosides owing to the variety of sugar contents and this enhances the range of the compound. Usually anthraquinones are found in the form of aglycone. They are often compounded into a laxative with benefits for digestion and elimination)
· flavonoids (Flavonoids, also referred to as bioflavonoids, are polyphenol antioxidants found naturally in plants. Recent research indicates that flavonoids can be nutritionally helpful by triggering enzymes that reduce the risk of certain cancers, heart disease, and age-related degenerative diseases.
· asparagine (Asparagine is an essential component of those proteins that are concerned with neuronal development and signaling transmission across nerve endings. Asparagine is essential to all living cells for the production of many proteins)
· allantoin (An anti-inflammatory. Allantoin is a chemical compound naturally produced by many organisms, including animals, plants, and bacteria. It is a frequent ingredient in lotions and skin creams, as well as in oral hygiene products, cosmetics, and other toiletries. Allantoin is also used in medications for dermatological conditions. It is effective at very low concentrations, usually from 0.1% to 2%.)
· convallarin (Broadly used in medicine as a heart regulator; it is a white, crystalline glucoside, of an irritating taste, extracted mostly from the convallaria or Lily-of-the-Valley plant, a relative of Solomon's Seal).
From looking at these phytochemical components of the root of Solomon's Seal, we can begin to understand the plant's broad therapeutic application. Additionally, it helps explain why it has been used so broadly as a healing agent for thousands of years among many cultures.
We can now look at how these components play out in the various uses of Solomon's Seal, be it as a tincture, salve, tea or liniment. That is, the general healing properties of Solomon's Seal.