Re: Sensitization to canditoxins causing vulvodynia.
I agree with you that drug combination is the best way to attack candida. But, you know perfectly that current oral antifungals are fungistatic (I mean systemic) So, attacking candida with fungistatic drugs is almost a lost war. Unfortunately, I don't have access neither the money to pay the Echinocandins. It could be good to get a protocol that involve Caspofungin, Voriconazole and oral Amp, and may be Lamisil.
On the other hand, you have other resources such as diet, enemas, natural antifungals, detox programs, LDA, and immune booster. I also can mention fecal implants and HPI. I have done only one but will do more. If the thing is because the flora is implicated, HPI and fecal transplants have demostrated to be the only way so far to recover indigenous human flora. What did the
Antibiotics ?? They eliminated vital friendly flora (vital species) Well, I will get them back from a donor. Do they implant ??? According to science, yes. Current probiotics don't do it.
Heavy metals have to go out. Period. Does it take a year or more ??
Probably yes, but anyway we must do it. !
There is no doubt some results have to show up !