Re: Vit A and estrogen
I have forwared your response to her. these were her comments to me prior to forwarding your email to her. Once i get that response to I will post it:
In your case, I would suspend your chlorella for awhile. Chlorella is fine
for people who do not have hormone imbalances, however, when you have
estrogen dominance it can aggravate your problems. In place of the
chlorella, you can take vitamin B and C supplements, if you do not take them
already. You can also try taking black sesame seeds regularly. These are
high in all minerals and are very nourishing to the body. We advise
customers to grind them up in a coffee bean grinder and then add some water
(or milk) and honey to sweeten it. It makes a very nutritious dessert.
You can continue to take
Watermelon seed for your kidneys. If this works well
for you, there is no harm in taking it. It will help to drain excess water
from your body. If at any time you want to try something new, you can also
try our kidney tea. Our tea contains two herbs which drain water from the
body, as well as an herb which strengthens the kidneys. The herbs that drain
water will also dissolve
kidney stones or sludge.
I haven't actually looked at the flushes on, but they are
probably fine. All
Liver Flushes require the use of apple juice at some
point and end with olive oil and lemon juice. The timing is different and
sometimes they also use more exotic ingredients like Coca Cola (I've never
tried that one), but they are all fairly similar. The best flushes for the
liver require you to fast on the apple juice. This really helps to push out
stagnation in the liver area.
If your stomach is still swollen, I suspect that there is some liver
stagnation there. If you help to break down the stagnation with our Chinese
Bitters tincture, you should find that you release more with your flushes and
your stomach begins to shrink. You can also try massaging your abdomen for 5
minutes in a clockwise direction each day. This also helps to get energy
moving through the digestive system and will help to get rid of a swollen
If you are drinking apple juice and using our Chinese Bitters and Coptis
tinctues, then you shouldn't need to use the malic acid anymore. We only
suggest that malic acid be used if, for some reason, you cannot drink apple
end of message 1
It seems like the chlorella was very beneficial for you in terms of removing
heavy metals from your body. However, while they are very nourishing, all
green foods contain high levels of beta carotene, which converts to estrogen
in the body easily. The DIM you are taking should help to reduce estrogen
levels, however, it would not release congestion from your liver. Only malic
acid from apple juice will dissolve stagnant bile in your liver so it can be
removed during a flush.
Do you get yellowish-brown diarrhea when you do a liver flush? If you do not,
then the malic acid in the apple juice is not strong enough to remove the
stagnation in your liver. You should use our Chinese Bitters tincture for a
few weeks before your next flush and your results should be better.
Pregnenolone is a hormone, as you probably already know. We feel very nervous
about people using steroid hormones because they can readily turn into
estrogens. Cholesterol is the basic building block of all hormones. From
cholesterol can come pregnenolone, DHEA, progesterone, testosterone, and
finally estrogen. Because pregnenolone is a basic building block of other
hormones, it may take longer for problems to occur, but if you have a
tendency towards estrogen dominance, any hormone can potentially aggravate
your health problems.
As a precursor of estrogen, progesterone can easily increase estrogen levels.
Many of our female customers who had problems with estrogen dominance found
that adding progesterone to their bodies did help their problems at first,
but over time, their health problems became worse. When progesterone levels
become too high, your body will simply convert the excess progesterone to
estrogen. Estrogen is most complex hormone, and once estrogen is in your
body it can only be removed by your liver. If your liver is weak or
congested, excess estrogens will not be removed and will gradually build in
your tissues. Since you have already used a lot of hormones during fertilty
treatments in the past, you should try to avoid any type of hormones,
including plant hormones. All of these can cause further hormone imbalances.
Estrogen binds to sodium and sodium retains water, which is why women with
high estrogen levels tend to gain a lot of water weight. Since most of your
weight gain is water weight, I suspect that your estrogen level is still
quite high. Cystic
Acne is another sign of high hormone levels.
High blood pressure is commonly caused by liver or kidney congestion. The
liver and kidneys are both filtration organs. If they become congested,
blood pressure will gradually increase in order to pump blood through these
organs. The liver and thyroid work closely together to determine your
metabolism. When the liver becomes congested, the thyroid will naturally
weaken, becoming either hypo-functioning or hyper-functioning. Both
conditions are signs of a weak thyroid.
It sounds like your diet is very good, but I would suggest that you consider
using our Chinese Bitters and Coptis tinctures to decongest your liver and
lower your estrogen levels. You should also try to avoid taking any more
steroid hormone supplements. Until you stop taking in hormones, your body
will continue to retain water. Please find below our program to reduce
estrogen levels.
As we mentioned in our website articles, estrogen levels can be reduced by:
1. cleansing and decongesting the liver with Chinese Bitters and
stimulation of the bile flow with Coptis so that estrogens can be
eliminated more efficiently by a more efficient liver and better bile flow;
2. doing daily morning exercise (stretching and deep breathing) to
activate the liver and reduce estrogen production;
3. avoiding or minimizing foods or herbs with estrogenic activities
(please see the chart in the estrogen dominance section of our website);
4. avoiding foods that weaken the liver or spleen such as: white flour,
white sugar, deep fried foods, caffeine, chocolate, all citrus fruits,
tomato, banana, cold foods, cold drinks and salad (raw vegetables);
5. drinking Taheebo (Pau D'Arco) tea to replace any other beverages (the
tea should be made very light as strong Taheebo tea aggravates liver
congestion); Taheebo tea strengthens all your organs.
end of message 2
Unfortunately, all of those green foods, like chlorella, spirulina, wheat
grass, and barley grass all have high amounts of beta carotene.
Other than black sesame seeds, other foods which are very nutritious are
seaweeds (all types), and dried beans. These two foods are some of the most
nutritious foods there are.
end of message 3