I am touched by your struggle and how strong you are. I am a 14 yr pancreatic cancer survivor. I don't know why because I tried to lead a healthy life at the time. Not a drinker or smoker. Cancer is a strange thing. I admire the way your taking control and looking to kick this thing. There were a lot of factors that made me well but the main thing was faith and not listening to negativity. My husband made sure that I didn't have to see or talk to those people. Looks to me like your researching in all the right places too. It's a shame that we have to work in unsafe conditions. My mom never had a job except the last 5 or so yrs of her life. She actually sewed numbers on jerseys. She could have been exposed to chemicals I suppose. But the doctor actually said that he thought she had cancer before because the kind she had was only caused by radiation treatment. Every time I ask my sister what that type was called she can't remember. I need to find that out because I am just curious. Maybe my sister was not quite getting what the dr said and he was talking about environmental. You really have me thinking now. Thanks so much for your reply. Keep up the good work in your research and have "faith"!