I used to like a glass of wine or 2 but now I notice I feel crappy the next day - even 1 glass of wine has caused me to feel headachey and not as healthy so I have given it up. My body doesn't want it. Probably my liver is congested with stones. A friend of mine (he is a shaklee distributor) used Liver DTX Complex for a year and claims it helped him. He drinks wine regularly. I just bought a bottle of it from him at cost. What the heck. My goal is to have a healthy liver and gallbladder and to maintain them. I have already noticed digestive progress. Yay. Am on my 3rd cleanse.
Moritz (author of "The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse") says that if you have Gallstones better to give up alchohol for a variety of reasons - boiling down to formation of Gallstones in the liver and gallbladder. "It is best for those who have a history of Gallstones to avoid alchohol altogether." That's me! I never say never as I may have a glass in the future but not right now.