I have had hyperT for 14 years without surgery or RAI. Anti-thyroid medication works to bring symptoms under control which is good. There are longterm effects regardless of choice of treatment unless the thyroid can be brought back under control. Traditional cleansing methods including fasting and raw foods are not the way to treat this. It is probably caused by a nutritional imbalance but requires hair analysis to determine the imbalance. Usual cause is low copper/high zinc - iron/ low potassium/ low magnesium/ high cadmium and other heavy metals. Go to www.ithyroid.com to learn a lot about this dis-ease. You will find lots of support and information. It is difficult to do this alone because the illness increases anxiety and makes thinking difficult. Arm yourself with information before seeing endocrinologists. RAI doen't cure the underlying problems which can then move to other organs. Good luck to you. Connie