Re: The Liver Flush Is BS
Hello Daizymae,
yes I did these therapeutic fasts without much supervision at home but was in telephone contact with an experienced supervisor.
I have documented my recovery here within curezone.
Best place and reference to learn more about water-only-fasting is here............................
and written by the most experienced and knowledeable Natural Hygienist of that movement.
Yes, I do think sme
Liver Flushes are of benefit but in my opinion before the commencement of the fast itself.
The Liver and other organs of elimination will self-cleanse anyway on a fast if sufficient duration and depending on the levels of toxemia to begin with.
Natural Hygienists believe that the basic cause of all disease (except some genetic diseases) is one of Toxemia and the accumulation of toxins over time, (the Law of Vital Accomodation) and where this retention of metabolic waste is caused by enervation or lowered life force. Fasting has been successfully applied in eradicating diseases of all kinds for the above reasons.
Take care.