Re: White lines across the fingernails?
intracranial hypertension? I suppose, but it also feels a lot like there is no blood/oxygen/glucose/ATP getting to my brain. My brain feels starved. So I start to think of capillary blockages, impacted wisdom teeth,pituitary adenomas, sinus issues,
root canal infections.
And somehow I need to convince a doctor/clinic/etc to do a scan to check for these things, and I am not thinking I have much ground to justify it (in their view at least).
I was taking a multi vitamin, and I had taken a supplement with copper, and I had eaten nuts. So it is conceivable I aggravated the problem over the summer. Now I have NAC, but do not take it every day. I was taking molybedenum. I am getting really high quality B vitamins and K2 vitamin.
I will keep taking zinc. I even heard that it is possible to have tin toxicity.
Aside from liver flukes,
parasite and fungal induced toxeamia, and potential mineral/metal toxicity, I am not sure what cause all these issues with CFS, transient memory loss, severe brain fog, frankly it is the mental issues that are incapacitating. And I do not talk about the emotional aspect, but frankly I have been described as "not having a personality". With my mind impaired, it is a struggle to even talk to or meet other people, because yes, my emotions are pretty severely blunted.
One time this summer during statistics, which I failed, I thought it was a Wednesday, when it was a Thursday. Sounds harmless. I thought it was the week previous. I could not remember where or what I had done the last 6 days...
I do not know if anyone is familiar with triphala, it really seems to help with bowel regularity.