White lines across the fingernails?
I have a lot of nuerological problems, IBS, and all sorts of other issues that I go on about in my other posts that I wont get in to detail about.
What I want to ask about specifically, is what is the likely hood of mercury or some other heavy metal being responsible for these white "mee" lines across my fingernails, specifically the ring fingers.
I have had a lot of people tell me I have candida, and I feel like I do not. I also feel like I do not have adrenal fatigue.
I do however feel some parasite, mold, neurotoxin, or endocrine disruptor is in my brain, because of my intense cognitive problems and emotional problems and transient memory loss that only dissapate between about midnight and 5:30 am, once the sun rises I am hit with a wave of "stupid and miserable".
I would like to go about getting the unwashed heavy metal hair analysis. I actually sorta suspect aluminum or fluoride more than mercury.
What do you all think?