Re: Confused about lab results, environ toxins, adrenal fatigue?
Great Sam, I wondered if I would be offending you by pointing it out. Sounds like you are ready to tackle your issues, whatever is going on. I only have experience with a couple of the EO's you listed, but looks like you have a good plan and did your research. It is an approach I am not very familiar with, so I'll be watching to see how this works out.
One thing that has really been bothering me lately. The
Depression issue, and how it relates to parasites. I have never been depressed in my life before all this happened to me. Life is great, and there is so much to enjoy in the simple things. Sure lots of things suck, and some have it better than others, but for me, I have always had a get over it attitude and worked things out and moved on.
However, while dealing with this issue, I have had some pretty dark moments, that I could not explain. Depression, lashing out, my feelings hurt, all unlike me. I could not complete tasks, forgot words, figuring out something or looking at a simple diagram or following simple instructions was impossible. I questioned possible onset of chem-imbalance, or loss of brain cells myself. Each time I get somewhat clear of worm burden, it all goes away.
I now understand how
parasites emit toxins in the blood effecting neurolical and cognitive abilities. If you find what organism or pathogen, whatever "might" be infecting you, hopefully it starts to clear for you. I am going through a clear headed/full cognitive time right now, and determined not to let it take hold again.
I hope you find what is preventing you from the good health you seek, it's a shame not be able to enjoy all your hard work. Contrats on the weight loss and lifestyle change, and curing your staph. I am kinda in the same spot. This all happened after major health overhaul, and I only got to enjoy it for a short period before my guest took residence in me.