Hi Eric. . .I had the Kelmer Test done for my mercury. The pre provocatation showed that the lead was at 4.9ug/g creatinine and the mercury was at 2.6ug/g creatinine. The post provocative test showed lead at 5.3ug/g and the mercury at 4.6ug/g. The post was done with DMSA. Lead was high and my mercury was higher than expected but not sufficently high to assume pathophysiological effects, don't know what that means Eric, but I thought any form of mercury burden was bad enough to cause reaction from within the body. Yes I had nine Amalgam fillings all removed this year thank God. I'm on a fairly strict candida diet but my weight is an issue. I'm just uncertain as to whether I should attempt any form of chelating whilst I have this leaky gut, though I am treating it at this present time. I've just about given up treating the candida because I'm not making any headway whatsoever.