If metals are your problem (and that seems like a pretty safe bet from what you describe), then you likely wouldn't be able to do more than control the yeast until the metals are gone. I would be skeptical about any tests you receive and doctors' interpretation of the results (e.g. when your doctor told you the amount shouldn't be causing you any physical problems. Too many doctors really don't seem to understand heavy metals at all and seem to chronically underestimate the damage that they do).
I would suggest you proceed with chelation. The method would be up to you. You should start cautiously and see how much your body can handle. If your body seems OK with it, I would increase your efforts. Your body should tell you when it's too much.
I'm not sure if IV chelation would be better than oral if your gut is your main concern. After all, whatever method of chelation you choose, a lot of the metals will pass through your gut on the way out.
There is, of course, the risk that your body will react very badly to any kind of chelation, so you should weigh that before deciding what to do. Even with this risk, I still think getting rid of the metals should be your uppermost priority.
You might also try posting messages on the chelation and leaky gut boards to see if they have any advice or experience with this.
Actually, have you ever looked at a list of symptoms for leaky gut and compared them to a list of symptoms of yeast and/or heavy metals? A lot of the symptoms are the same. It makes me wonder if "leaky gut" and yeast and/or heavy metals aren't really the same thing. I don't know for sure, but it makes me wonder...
I hope all this works out for you.