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Re: One more question before I finally go ahead...
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Published: 19 y
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Re: One more question before I finally go ahead...

Your post was fine Telman, and actually quite reassuring... I had been worried about the strain on my body should a whole cocktail of toxins be released at the same time. Even though its been a while since I used drugs of any kind, and I've been trying to eliminate as many toxin sources as I can and eat nutrient dense foods, I guess it will worry me until I do it and realise I was panicking over nothing :) I never realised at the height of my partying days that this stuff had the potential to stay in my body, much less cause permanent damage (let this be a lesson kids, just say no!)
What you said about the early stages being mostly emotional stuff really does put my mind at rest, as I feel I can handle that, and I take it the later physical reactions that you had didn't do any permanent damage as you're still here to tell the tale... thanks again for your replies, it's much appreciated.


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