Re: Black spot at gum line I think began after oil pulling
It sounds like you should see a naturopath to come up with a good health strategy. Overall if you have oral health issues regular OP won't hurt and in most cases will help enormously.
If you're not able to chew, then yes veg
juicing is the best way to get high quality nutrients into your body. Health all comes down to inputs and outputs. Your body needs a whole array of nutrients, sunlight, exercise, rest, water, oxygen, social connection, sense of purpose, etc. If it's deficient in any of these on an ongoing basis, things break down.
Many people take these physical and emotional deteriorations as a normal sign of aging. They're not. It only seems normal because most people in our society leave their bodies and spirit chronically undernourished.
But please I hope people will stop posting scary statements about oil pulling that they know are unrelated whatever condition they want help with. OP is too powerful, simple, safe and far reaching as an oral hygiene and health aid to risk scaring people away from it.